Is it you?

Implementing innovative ideas in large companies sometimes feels like trying to install new software on an old computer. New technologies are often seen as threats that we turn away from, rather than as opportunities for organizational growth and greater profit. Dear innovators, this is why your task is not easy!

You have the ideas and the answers. You see more than others. For you, everything is simple; everything could happen faster, ideally right away and without unnecessary procedures. You connect complex points into a cohesive whole and want to act. To change. To achieve results. To grow. To be noticed. That’s why you must read on!

Be the First in the Metaverse with Us.

It is in this atmosphere that we work with our clients on the majority of innovative VR/AR/metaverse projects across various industries and sectors. Determined, optimistic innovators choose our services, those who can push through their organizations with their ideas and fight for their realization. There are difficult procedures. There may be a lack of understanding for the ideas. Obstacles can arise. Sometimes it has been a tremendous challenge for them to secure budget and trust, but they succeeded. And the specialized knowledge and experience they gain in implementing innovations are invaluable.

That’s why we emphasize that we are here for you. Together, we form the perfect match of passion, pragmatism, and experience. The most interesting projects we create are initiated by innovation-driven individuals working at various levels within organizations, closely observing the needs that VR and AR technologies can effectively address. You can follow the results of such collaborations in our Case Study section. Now it’s time for our joint project. We invite you to contact us.

We specialize in innovation and come from a business background. We have extensive experience as creators of innovative, advanced solutions. Our implementations have taken place in large Polish and international companies. We understand the realities of your work, and just like you, we are committed to bringing VR/AR/Metaverse innovations to light. We support you at every stage of the innovation lifecycle:

  • From inspiration and education
  • Identifying needs in your area that can be effectively addressed by virtual technologies
  • Providing strong business case arguments for your project to stakeholders (we provide efficiency data based on our clients’ implementations, as well as studies and reports on the effectiveness of VR/AR in business)
  • Through collaborative solution creation
  • Implementing it in the form of VR/AR/Metaverse applications with the Connected Realities team
  • Deploying it in the organizations
  • Collecting feedback and scaling the developed solutions

It’s best to start with inspiration and education. Therefore, we invite you to a meeting and to test our technologies at our showroom in Warsaw.

When investing in innovation, it should only be to increase profit.

We have successfully completed dozens of winning implementations of virtual technologies and digital twins, enabling our clients to increase their profits and achieve their business goals. We are practitioners, entrepreneurs, a company with 100% Polish capital, and a trusted strategic partner for large companies leading in innovation. We understand that there are no universal solutions for business. That’s why we use a variety of tested tools in the field of virtual technologies and AI to quickly and effectively meet your company’s needs:

  • We provide expert knowledge transfer and training to enable a comprehensive understanding of the potential of VR/AR and AI technologies in all areas of the company’s operations. This includes efficiency data based on our clients’ implementations, as well as studies and reports on the effectiveness of VR/AR in business
  • We enable the testing of various VR/AR/Metaverse and AI solutions tailored specifically to the enterprise’s business profile. The most commonly chosen solutions support employee development paths and the development of the company’s products and services.
  • We develop a comprehensive investment strategy for the enterprise towards metaverse innovation and ensure its implementation. Our services are used by companies such as PZU, ORANGE, ŻABKA, and PGNiG
  • We build and deliver ready-to-use business solutions based on virtual technologies that meet the needs of all stakeholders. We partner with you throughout the entire implementation process.
  • Our solutions are prepared with the highest safety standards and regulations in mind. Network component communication is fully encrypted, and the cloud infrastructure uses proven and secure solutions.

You can read about the results of such collaborations with large companies in our Case Study section. Now it’s time for our joint project. We invite you to contact us.

We invite you to explore the possibilities of VR/AR and the metaverse during a dynamic presentation with technology tests in our showroom in Warsaw or at your office. You can also rent VR headsets from us, and we will install inspiring applications tailored to your business profile. We look forward to an engaging introductory meeting!